P's and Q's Podcast with Quené Forée

Are You A Starseed?

Quené Forée Season 1 Episode 16

VIDEO of Episode 16 on YOUTUBE

Are you an otherworldly being, a Starseed from distant galaxies? Step into the astral realm as I invite you to explore the signs, synchronicities, and cosmic clues that may hint at your extraterrestrial origins. 

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Welcome to the P's and Q's Podcast I'm your host Quené Forée and I'm living my best life and I want to help you live your best life! On today's episode I'm going to be talking about a topic that is really near and dear to my heart and something that I think a lot of people are maybe on the early stages of discovery about or haven't even heard of yet and that is starseeds are you a starseed do you know what a starseed is I know I am I imagine most of you who are listening here who connect with me are and I'll tell you why in a little bit but first we have to do our three fun facts so fact number one before I became an influencer and got really into this podcast and my social media messages I come from a corporate background my MBA is in finance and my corporate background is in sales operations and system implementation my most recent position was the manager of sales automation at Autodesk you may have heard of them fun fact number two when did I first realize that I was a starseed I went through some really deep spiritual experiences through meditation through mentorship and Discovery and heard about starseeds and when I connected with this it resonated so deeply inside of me that I went down the rabbit hole and I actually know my origin and as you get to learn more and more about it I encourage you to go down that path for discovery for yourself and remember your Soul's origin remember your mission remember why you came here and your purpose here on this planet fun fact number three I guess I'll have to do with Miami I'm here in Miami I love Miami I've been coming to Miami since I was in college I used to actually go to New York a lot my best friend had a place in Brooklyn Flatbush we were in college but we did not go to class we spent most of our time in New York and when you're in New York and it's cold then what's the next place you go you go to Miami so I've probably been to Miami uh gosh 50 times let's get into today's episode about star Seas what the hell is a starseed anyway starseeds are known to be very Advanced Spiritual Beings their souls originating from other Realms dimensions and planets there is a whole host of different types of starseeds and we'll go through that shortly but one of the ways to know like hey am I a starseed are you someone that has this like deep knowing within yourself that you've been here before on this planet on Earth specifically incarnated in a physical body are you extremely empathic and you connect with people in a way that may or may not make sense when you try to describe it you can just feel what they're feeling or what they're thinking or maybe you feel like you don't belong here actually you feel like gosh I want to go home I want to go home that's a common feeling of of many Star seeds this one for me is a big one very intuitive you know things without even having to read them or been taught them you just have this really strong intuition about the things that are going on around you and around others or maybe you're just a stargazer and you look up at the stars and at night and you long you long for that and it in this physical existence it might not make that much sense like what the hell you're probably a starseed and there are so many different types of starseeds from different places and most of them the main thing that they have in common is that they have a great Mission here on Earth to help to help raise the frequency to help heal this planet to help connect humankind to help raise the Consciousness here there is a lot of pain and suffering in this realm and we probably call ourselves light workers if you're out there and you identify as someone who calls themselves a light worker it is very very likely that you are a starseed and you came here with a great Mission and with a great purpose and I know that for myself ever since I was young I felt this deep desire to help people and I started off just hugging people what can I do to help someone who looks sad give them a hug give them my time my energy connect with them deeply what's really going on with you behind those eyes and that was just my intuitive way of giving my energy to help and as I've gone along further along my spiritual path I use my gifts to help that's why I started this podcast to use my voice to share my light and this specific medium anybody that knows me in person who spent any time with me y'all you already know how it's going down and I'm grateful to have learned and developed that side of myself and now I'm really clear about my path and my mission and my purpose and I'm walking in it and I encourage all of you uh to double down on your mission because there is so much great work to do here in this realm there are so many who are not aware of where they came from and what they're doing here and can get mixed up in the density of energies and the polarity and red and blue and who's and that and the Rams and the other team or whatever you know there's so many things that we could divide ourselves with but there are so many more things that connect us so I encourage you to double down on your mission we need you I'm going to name a few of the different types of starseeds you probably heard of some of them they're all very very similar in a lot of ways Pleiadians are starseeds from Pleiades which is actually a stock cluster octurians arcturians come from octurus it's actually the most advanced civilization in the galaxy syrians and their souls come from the serious region the planetary region series a and series B actually it is said that the ascendant Masters are great ascendant Masters are starseeds from the serious region people like Jesus and Mother Mary starseeds here to help here to raise the Consciousness here to share love here to connect us all here to remind us of our true power within us that's what Jesus said he did love you Jesus the Orion star seeds I relate to really closely as a mentaken starseed and mentaka is part of the Orion's Belt mentaka is a beautiful Dimension it was a place where matter could exist but it is said that it no longer exists from a matter location as the frequency there grew too strong and matter could no longer manifest in that region and it actually destroyed the region however the energy of mentaka is still very present it is said that onmentaka the entire planet was full of clear blue water it is said that that's where mermaids originate and dolphins and I'm a mermaid and it's funny because I always identified as a mermaid before I even discovered mantaka I just said that mintokins are very empathic and and have a great Mission here to help heal the Earth it is said that they are of the oldest Souls in the universe and all of these things align with me greatly there are so many more lumerians and indigos and so many other starseeds I encourage you to go down the rabbit hole like I did and I say I say this all the time truth meat spit out the bones whatever resonates with you resonates with you and that's perfect and when you meet people and you're like wow I feel like I've known you forever I feel like our souls have traveled it's likely that their star seeds just like you it's likely that you have traveled together in other lifetimes it's likely that you may be of the same star scene I encourage you my brothers and sisters to ReDiscover who you truly are and to bring your gifts forth the time is now there is a Great Awakening occurring and we are mobilizing we are growing stronger and we need you all right I'm gonna go get some oysters now

I love you so much and I'm so grateful for you thank you for being here with me on the p's and q's podcast see you next time [Music]

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